D.c. Ii – Imaginary Future

D.c. Ii – Imaginary Future

~Da Kaapo II Imajinarii Fyuuchaa~ ; D.C. II Imaginary Future ; D.C.II~ダ・カーポII イマジナリーフューチャー~ ; Da Capo II Imaginary Future
Takes place approximately 50 years after the original D.C. ~Da Capo~ series. The story revolves around Sakurai Yoshiyuki and Otome & Yume, the two granddaughters of the original D.C. ~Da Capo~ protagonists Junichi and Nemu. “This is actually the second manga based on Da Capo II in active serialization. The other manga, running in Kadokawa’s Comptiq magazine, is considered to be th...
Scan/Translation group: Updating
Status: Completed
Updated: 10 years ago
Total views: 1419
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