Tekken Chinmi

Tekken Chinmi

鉄拳チンミ (Japanese); 拳精[铁拳小子] (Chinese); Ironfist Chinmi; Kung Fu Boy (English); Quyền Thuật Vô Song; Hoàng Phi Hồng (Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt - TV)
Chinmi is a young Chinese boy devoted to martial arts training. Word of his skill reaches the kung-fu masters at the famous Dailin temple who invite him to study with them. Through his own dedication and the guidance of his teachers, Chinmi becomes one of the top students at the temple. Eventually the time comes for him to leave Dailin and make a pilgrimage. On his journey he faces a number of ...
Scan/Translation group: Updating
Status: On going
Updated: 18 hours ago
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