Wolves Behind Bars

Wolves Behind Bars

The Time Between Dog and Wolf / El Tiempo entre un Perro y un Lobo / Lheure Entre Chien et Loup / La hora entre un Perro y un Lobo / O Tempo Entre o Cão e o Lobo / Time Between Dog and Wolf (Lee Solwoo) / 狼和狗的时间 / 개와 늑대의 시간(이솔우)
Until I learned what this time meant… it had always been just a dark time for me. Painter Han Kiyo who had been living a life of poverty was commissioned by an anonymous person on social media to draw some pictures. However, he became a murder suspect because the paintings he did portrayed vivid murder scenes. On top of that, due to a staff’s error, Kiyo was sent to an alpha prison, instead of ...
Scan/Translation group: Updating
Status: Completed
Updated: 10 years ago
Total views: 8350
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