Lord of Destiny Wheel
Chapter: 7
A planet called Ghost Star suddenly appeared, causing the earth's animals and plants to evolve into monsters that can destroy humans. At the time of human extinction, people accidentally discovered a way to log into the ghost star, and found that they could gain power against monsters on the ghost star. So in order to survive, human beings started the era of exploring ghost stars...
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner Comic Anthology
Chapter: 10
Anthology of short stories based on the Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner video game.
Action Comedy Drama Mystery Psychological Shounen Supernatural Tragedy
Shin Megami Tensei Apocrypha: War of the Dove
Chapter: 12
A standalone story set in the larger Megami Tensei universe. Our hero Hato is just an ordinary schoolboy, until one day he receives a ~~Command Spell~~ Stigma on his left hand, forges a contract with ~~Lancer~~ Cu Chulainn to become his master, and is unwittingly dragged into a city-wide Holy ~~Grail~~ War.
Action Drama Fantasy Psychological Shounen Supernatural
Tartarus Theater Wild
Chapter: 26.5
Collection of 4-komas centered around Persona 3, 4, 5 and their various spinoff games.
Comedy Drama Fantasy School life Seinen Supernatural
The Duke and Duchess’s Divorce Circumstances
Chapter: 0
The Duke and Duchess’s Divorce Circumstances Lee Dam is a conservative who believes that it is impossible for a woman of her age not to get married. Reyalexis L’Anello, the docile eldest daughter of the richest family in Ravidun, the capital of Lytham, is transported to another world due to some kind of accident. Right to Korea! But one day, 10 years later, Lee Dam suddenly returned...
Drama Josei Manhwa Romance
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