Α Demo Ω Demo Nai Boku-Tachi Wa

Α Demo Ω Demo Nai Boku-Tachi Wa

“The Omegaverse love of 2 people living together while pretending to be Betas.””If only we were Alpha and Omega…”Yuu and Ren start living together as Beta friends. Yuu is secretly in love with the gentle & calm Ren. On the other hand, Ren feels the same way, but can’t put it into words. Is there a reason why he can’t let Yuu know his feelings…...
Scan/Translation group: Updating
Status: Completed
Updated: 11 years ago
Total views: 0
SELECT ROUND((total/vote_count), 2) AS count_star FROM m_h0_ratings WHERE `slug` = 'Α-demo-Ω-demo-nai-boku-tachi-wa'Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '='