Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai

Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai

烏は主を選ばない ; The Raven Does Not Choose its Master ;Karasu ha Aruzi wo Erabanai.;Karasu wa Aruji o Erabanai
Yamauchi - a fantastic world where the Yatagarasu, a race of three-legged crows with the ability to transform into humans, live. Yukiya, a young Yatagarasu, is appointed as the personal attendant of the eccentric Crown Prince Wakamiya. Soon, he is entangled in a web of conspiracies attempting to overthrow the heir to the Imperial throne. An adaptation of the second book of the award-winning no...
Scan/Translation group: Updating
Status: On going
Updated: 1 week ago
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